Distressed Feathering

Hello everyone!  Happy Memorial Day to those of you in the States, hope you folks enjoy your long weekend.  I had an awesome weekend of food, friends, family, fun & fanatical sports watching (Thomas Cup was on & we were in the finals – the fact that we lost makes no nevermind to me tbh) but I’m now paying the price for all of that with a sore throat.  Such is life.

So I have here for you a slightly distressed piece (it mirrors my health) – I started out with the cream base & then using a tiny detailing brush I layered blue, black & teals to create the outline of the feathers before finally adding the blue & gold glitter.  The gold dots were made with a dotting tool.
155aLacquers used:
Essence 01 Jacob’s Protection (blue shimmer)
Essie Licorice (black)
OPI Cuckoo For This Colour (teal shimmer)
OPI Absolutely Alice (blue glitter)
OPI Goldeneye (gold glitter)
OPI The Ghostess With The Mostess (g-i-t-d cream)
Sephora for OPI Mermaid To Order (teal)

A Mermaid’s Tale

Shortly after checking out my Pāua shell post yesterday, my friend Bella mentioned “if I were a mermaid, I would have all these tones on my tail!”
Teal ShellWhich got me thinking that I could definitely use a similar-ish colour combo to spin a shimmery tale.  Or tail.  Whichever you prefer.
147aThis was another multi layer piece – started with the blue base & then sponged on the pine, teal & teal shimmer gradient.  Followed that up with the holo flake topcoat for that extra sheen & finally stamped the scale pattern on with black.  Phew.

Lacquers used:
L Jumbo Plate #XY14
China Glaze Unpredictable (pine)
Nubar 2010 (holo flake)
OPI Catch Me In Your Net (teal shimmer)
OPI Black Onyx (black)
Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear #420 Pacific Blue
Sephora by OPI Mermaid To Order (teal)

Pāua Shell

Back in 2012, my Bear & I took a trip (2nd honeymoon of sorts) to New Zealand.  I loved everything about that trip (it was even better than our actual honeymoon to Russia but that’s another story) & one of the things I picked up there that I still treasure to this day was a Pāua (abalone) shell locket.  

Everytime I wore it, I would always think about the beautiful colours & how wonderful it would be to be able to replicate it on my nails. I was hesitant of course, I had only been doing nail art on a tiny scale (no pro brushes, limited collection of colours, no documentation at that point) for about a year & I didn’t think that I could do it justice.  So I waited.  And waited.  For months.

One day, I came across a tutorial on YouTube by this girl called My Simple Little Pleasures (check it out, she’s awesome) & it was for a technique called water marbling.  I’ve heard of this before (to me it was a paint technique called hydrography) but not on nails & it was the push I needed to try it out despite my inexperience.  I had, up to that point, only documented FIVE nail art pieces & I was nervous.

It took me almost 2 hours, about a gallon of nail polish remover, made a ghastly mess all over my worktable, skin & clothes but the results were undeniably…  Well…  I’ll let you folks decide.  😀
007aLacquers used:
Sephora By OPI Mermaid To Order (teal)
China Glaze Unpredictable  (pine)
OPI Here Today… Aragon Tomorrow (dark green)

This experience taught me a few very important things:

1.  Inexperience is the most insignificant of blocks – research, perseverance, the willingness to make mistakes & learn blows it out of the water.  You can do anything you put your mind to.
2.  Never let negativity from others discourage you or bring your self confidence down.  I was told by several pro nail techs that it was too ‘difficult’ & ‘advanced’ for a noob like me to try.  Screw them.  No one can make you feel inferior without your consent – Eleanor Roosevelt.
3.  When trying new things, preparation is key.  Get all your ducks in a row (in this case it was the tutorial on YouTube, all the colours, tools & clean up equipment, & a big, healthy dose of ‘take no prisoners’ attitude) before you start.  
4.  Don’t get discouraged, even when you screw up.  Keep at it (see point #1 about perseverance).  Take no prisoners (see point #3 about a healthy attitude)!
007bI know this was longer than what I usually write, but this piece of nail art was a huge step on a very personal journey to me & I wanted to share it.  

Thanks for reading!  Hope you lovely people have a wonderful week!


Hey everyone, hope your weekend was awesome.  I’m still in a nail polish funk but I’m a believer of keeping at it even if I feel sucky in the hopes it’ll lift my mood – so here’s a sea foamy water marble.
146aLacquers used:
Sephora by OPI Mermaid To Order (teal)
China Glaze Unpredictable (pine)
OPI Cuckoo For This Color (bottle)